
New Hire Spotlight: Sara Caputo

The PeopleCaddie team is growing! In the past few months, we’ve added some wonderful new members to our family, and we’d like for you to get to know them. In our last Spotlight post, we met Sean Pratscher (click here to read it!). Now, we’d like to introduce you to Sara Caputo. Sara is our Marketing Analyst, and she is loving it here at PeopleCaddie (even though she has yet to meet anyone in person)! Sara wears a few different hats, but she enjoys building up and showing off the PeopleCaddie brand. Welcome, Sara!


Name: Sara Caputo

Position: Marketing Analyst

Responsibilities: Building brand awareness, managing the Account-Based Marketing team, managing content for the website and social media, compiling and maintaining databases, and whatever else anyone throws at me!

Interesting Facts/Hobbies:

  • Traveling around the world is one of my favorite things to do, and I dream of being an expat living in the Italian countryside.
  • I am an avid reader, constantly buying new books I know I don’t have time to read – and everyone on our team meeting video calls knows about the ridiculous wall of books in my office!
  • I love Disney! I’ve been to the parks at least once or twice a year for the past 6 years.
  • My cousin plays the pizza delivery man in the movie Home Alone! (Keep an eye out next time you watch!)
  • I have never done a triathlon like Sean (and I probably never will) but I really enjoy yoga and other less impressive and strenuous activities.
pcadminNew Hire Spotlight: Sara Caputo